I could write about graphic design, advertising ATL and BTL, branding, web art&design, web interface and usability, direct marketing but I will summarize. "How" for me is the creativity's development, composed by various instruments. It's a kind of pastiche or puzzle, where every piece is connected with another and all contributes to the final completeness of the image or project.
How a project is composed and what do I use?
Bitmap Graphic_ Photoshop, ImageReady, Fireworks
Vector Graphic_ Illustrator, FreeHand
3D Graphic_ Rhinoceros
Desktop publishing _ InDesign, Quark Xpress
Web design _ Dreamweaver, GoLive, Flash, Gif animate, Sound Edit
Video editing _ Premiere, IMovie
Office _
Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Keynote, Pages, Numbers
CRM/Direct Marketing _ SageLogics, MailUp service